BouwBeurs 2025 | February 3 to 7, 2025


BouwBeurs 2025 is 5 days of full construction experience. You will find the best service providers in construction, the finest innovations and the latest developments which make this sector so beautiful.

In addition, there are a lot of activities you can get involved in right away, meet the best known construction influencers, roll up your sleeves and do charity jobs, or join one of the dozens of key-note sessions in the theaters.

Get inspired through the information on this page.

Throughout the exhibition week, the BouwBeurs NieuwsCafé (in cooperation with Aannemer) is dedicated to current and interesting topics affecting con­struc­tion. En­tre­pren­eurs, con­struc­tion colleagues and man­u­fac­tur­ers with a story. Host is Frans Reichardt.

In partnership with VMN Media. Do you work as a technical pro­fes­sion­al at a con­struc­tion company, consulting firm, project developer, mu­ni­cip­al­ity, corporation, real estate company, ar­chi­tec­tur­al firm or in­stall­a­tion company? Then don't miss the Heat Pump Innovation Route of Vakblad Warmte­pom­pen.

Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th February are the student days. You as an aspiring talent can get to know everything that makes working in the con­struc­tion industry great. Engage with exhibitors, spot the latest innovations and product de­vel­op­ments and go home with new knowledge and inspiration.

During BouwBeurs 2025, you might just bump into your favorite con­struc­tion influencer. Yes, they will be present again. We'll keep their names a secret for now, but don't worry can take lots of extra photos and videos.

After a long day at the BouwBeurs, it is possible to gather in the BouwBeurs Café. This year with a wide choice of snacks and drinks and of course per­form­ances by the best artists.

At BouwBeurs, of course, there has to be con­struc­tion! That is why Bouwmensen and their students are going to work on the floor at the Bouwplein in Hall 9. There they will build two houses from scratch in five days. From bricklaying to tiling, all facets will be covered.
On Monday and Tuesday, you will also meet con­struc­tion enthusiasts Thijs, Renofasie, Unique House and Dutch Brick Layers there.