The RenovationApp, for a smooth renovation

February 10, 2023
2 min


The VerbouwApp was originally developed for professional builders, but its creators were increasingly receiving inquiries from clients.

'A renovation has a lot of impact,' says Josha Prins, who was voted best handyman of the Utrecht region in 2019. She continues, "It is still often the case that miscommunication arises in the hectic pace of the work. That leads to irritations between contractor and customer, failure costs rise and the contractor spends a lot of time arranging things.'


The VerbouwApp allows clients or residents to follow along with things like planning, work and progress. 'It works well for all parties when there is an overview, because that ensures that the renovation goes smoothly,' says Josha. 'The VerbouwApp makes it easy for the executing party to create schedules and to-do lists, and to share information. All information, including floor plans and working drawings, checklists, permit documents, etc., is available in one place. When tasks are completed, they can be checked off. Thus, everyone involved always knows what the current situation is. No more time is lost on regulatory matters; the focus is on the renovation work.'


As a construction company, you can use the VerbouwApp to create your own checklist that suits the way your company or project works. As icing on the cake, you also optimize the profit of your (re)construction project with the budget function in the VerbouwApp.

Josha: "Of course we continue to innovate at the VerbouwApp. We renew our content regularly, implement improvements, and take into account new regulations such as the Quality Assurance Act (Wkb). In short: everything to ensure that you can enjoy building.'

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