Current prices
'This tool makes the calculator's job much easier,' Amir states. 'The tricky thing about these days is that prices fluctuate a lot. Added to that are the many assortment expansions from suppliers. Calculators and work planners therefore need comprehensive and up-to-date product and/or price information more than ever. The Ibis Articles Service is a database that consists of an enormous amount of building materials and products with the current prices. Those articles can be imported into the estimation at the push of a button. Manufacturers and suppliers of building materials can use this tool to easily bring their entire assortment to the attention of construction companies, architects and estimators. So the knife cuts both ways.'
Tool for freelancers
Another Brink innovation is DEDDO, a software package specially developed for self-employed workers in the construction industry. Amir: 'In the construction industry, we see more and more skilled workers who are self-employed, and we want to make their lives easier. DEDDO is the digital tool with which self-employed builders can organize their construction administration.'
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