'Priority solution' - Knowing where to innovate

January 23, 2025
2 min

"Another new term? That thought is probably shooting through your head. Still, it's worth reading on. Because you are going to encounter this term more often in the near future. During this edition of the BouwBeurs - the place for innovation in the sector - and long afterwards.

What is your first interpretation of "priority solution"? Here's how digital assistant ChatGPT describes the term:

"The term 'priority solution' could refer to a solution implemented on a priority basis to address an urgent problem or bottleneck in a construction process, project planning or execution."

That shows how strongly computers work with people today. And yes, also in the construction industry. Exactly what KYP wants to achieve with the introduction of this term: finding solutions to urgent problems within construction projects.

"If you know where the biggest problem lies, then you can solve it and fulfill your agreements better. Building better becomes easy this way," said Stan Roestenberg (CEO, KYP). KYP helps builders with SaaS tools to push forward digitalization in the industry. Quite a challenge, which is still not without struggle. Because digitization is more than 'working with computers' - something many a contractor proudly talks about while opening the schedule in Excel. With true digitization you add the word 'together' to this sentence. Working with computers' - a small nuance, with a huge impact on how we build.

That's why KYP is positioning itself as "The priority solution for plans, projects and people" starting at the BouwBeurs. For construction companies that really want to digitize. From first sketch to completion. From office to shed. Want to know how?

You will find them in hall 10, booth A050

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