Purchase heat pump cheaply with Home Ownership Association

Home Owners Association launched the Collective Purchasing Heat Pump today. Every homeowner can participate, including non-members. Except people on the Wadden Islands, who are excluded.

Those interested first do the quick heat pump check, which answers questions about how many people you live in what kind of house, how it is heated how it is insulated and how much energy you use.

The offer

If your house is found to be suitable at first glance, you will receive an offer and the supplier will contact you. Only then can an inspection determine whether your home is actually suitable for a heat pump. The offer includes different types of heat pumps, such as split unit heat pumps, monoblocks, hybrid and all-electric.

Several manufacturers are participating in the campaign, which lasts for three months. Signing up is free. Only after the participant receives a personalized offer does he or she decide whether or not to accept the offer.

By the way, as a participant you automatically become a member of the Home Owners Association, if you are not already. The first year is still free, after that you have to pay.

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