Awards ceremony on Feb. 3

Nominated in the Environmental Impact category

On its way to a climate-neutral society, construction, as a large sector, has a big step to take in reducing direct and indirect CO2 emissions. With the 'Environmental Impact' category, the BouwBeurs Awards aims to encourage this transition by rewarding products and services that contribute to making the built environment more sustainable in the short term.

Environmental impact

In this category, the jury could choose from very diverse solutions: from bio-based earplugs and energy-generating vacuum glass to circular construction fencing and ready-made hedges with native plant species that promote biodiversity. The jury found it inspiring to see how in each product and service in its own way steps have been taken that are necessary to realize that climate-neutral society.

Ultimately, the jury looked at innovative solutions that have the potential to make the greatest environmental impact. From that perspective, the jury nominated BUVA and Holonite's CO2-neutral sill, Duco Natural Cooling and Brink's Ibis for Environmental Impact for the Environmental Impact category.

In these solutions, sustainability is baked into the DNA, so to speak.

Category Environmental impact