Louwers Media Group

BouwBeurs 2025

Nice that you are interested in BouwBeurs!

BouwBeurs 2025 is the venue to meet professionals from the building & construction industry, share knowledge and inspire each other with the latest technologies and innovations.

Together with our partner Louwers Media Group, we will make it a great fair.

Installation & Construction

Installation & Construction has been the platform with information about and for the installation sector in the Netherlands for many years. The platform covers topics such as heating, electricity, plumbing, climate control and air conditioning. Within various construction projects, main, e- or w-installers are featured, or industry-related services or products are highlighted, such as floor heating, heat pumps, lighting, switchgear, pipes & fittings, Pv-installations, software, smart homes, charging stations, electrical inspections and renewable energy.

Of course, the latest standards and requirements determined from laws and regulations are covered, as well as innovative technological developments within the industry.

Project Managers
Mark de Lau

Yakup Yalcin

tel: +31 495 45 00 95

Facade Construction

Gevelbouw is an independent platform for the Netherlands and Flanders that has been highlighting facade construction in all its facets for almost two decades, both from the perspective of the designer, the advisors and the executing roof and facade builder. Projects, innovative developments, trends, policy and technology, in short, everything to do with roof and facade construction is covered.

Aesthetics, functionality and sustainability are recurring themes within the platform. Of course, the various trade shows within the industry are also covered. With themes such as facade cladding in all forms, airtight building, facade maintenance, roof cladding, panels, profiles, systems, BENG, surface treatments, curtain walls and green facades, we know how to inform and inspire the target group.

Project Manager
Erwin Krekels

tel: +31 495 45 00 95


Profile is the platform for and about professionals in the Netherlands and Belgium who are active in window- door- & frame technology, roof- & facade technology, glass and hinges & locks. Profile offers offline and online interesting and relevant information for manufacturers, assemblers, wholesalers, importers, suppliers, retailers and other companies working within the industry. New products, the latest innovative techniques, interviews, reports or other current content within all facets of the profession is shared through our trade magazine, special interest magazine, online platform, social media channels and newsletters.

Project Manager
Erwin Krekels

tel: +31 495 45 00 95


Stedenbouw has been the platform for construction projects in the Netherlands for more than 75 years. What began immediately after World War II as a trade magazine for the construction industry, has grown decades later into the leading communication network on construction, infrastructure and energy projects in the Netherlands. Clients, contractors, subcontractors and architects are talking about the concepts they have applied, innovative techniques and products or special services within the impressive construction projects. This relevant project information is aimed at project developers, real estate companies, building owners, structural engineers, consultancies and construction companies. But also to clients within health care and educational institutions, housing associations, (semi-)government agencies, trade organizations, manufacturers, suppliers and related organizations.

Project Managers
Casper Grote

Randy van den Hoek

Sander van Hout

tel: +31 495 45 00 95